About Me

Talented Comedian

Are you looking for a professional comedian in Cincinnati? With an unbeatable sense of humor, a devilishly quick wit, and club-tested, ever-evolving repertoire, Dre Holland has delighted comedy lovers for years. I offer a range of different packages to choose from, but whatever you decide, the outcome will always be the same: top-class humor. For more information, please call (513) 279-2065 or get in touch via email.

Professionalism in Performance

Stereotypes are often an awful thing, but let’s not pretend as if they don’t exist—we've all got some idea of what a "difficult" actor looks like. Showing up late, missing cues, under-rehearsing, substance issues. The usual suspects. Rest assured, when you hire me, you can always expect a level of professionalism that is, sadly, sometimes lacking in the industry. I show up to every set prepared, on time, and ready to work because I don’t wan... Learn more

My Shows

As a comedian with a grasp on a wide range of styles and subjects, I have a range of different routines that can be tailored to different types of audiences, from children right up to adults and entertainment for the elderly. From the groan-worthy to the outright hilarious, people are always surprised by my versatility and adaptable nature – no matter the bill or the event, I’ll fit right in.
Always be yourself and don't live off people's thoughts of you.
"I had a purpose before you had an opinion."

Reasons to Choose Me

By appointment only
Debit & Credit Cards accepted
Positive focus
Great at improv
20+ years experience